Heat pump planning information event in Düsseldorf on October 19, 2023

Everyone is talking about the energy revolution, and the buzzword is very popular. Politicians, such as Economics Minister Habeck, are setting ambitious goals, including the installation of six million heat pumps by the end of the decade in Germany alone. That sounds great, but the question is why aren't more craftsmen already taking advantage of this opportunity when demand is so high?
The answer is simple: The professional planning and design of heat pumps is time-consuming, especially when heat load calculations and hydraulic adjustments are required. Not to mention the funding application.
“How would it be if, like a good hand tool, you had another tool in your toolbox for the professional planning and design of heat pumps. Doesn't it exist? It does exist!” - Dipl.-Ing. Horst Jansen, Head of the Environmental Academy of Düsseldorf Crafts
We cordially invite you to a promising information session organized by Environmental Academy of District Craftsmen in Düsseldorf together with us from self-sufficient is organized. The topic? The professional planning and design of heat pumps using software.
Content and process
In the seminar, we will present our autarc software tool, which, guided by an operator, carries out all necessary planning steps in just a few minutes and even helps to advise on funding. Simply put, this means less time spent and more jobs for tradesmen. Does that sound too good to be true? Be there!
We cordially invite you to an information session, which will take place on
Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023
In the Crafts Education Center, 1st floor, SHK-Raum40221 Düsseldorf, Auf ́m Tetelberg 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
There, you will not only get insights into the new Building Energy Act (GEG) from Alexander Schuh from Vaillant. You will also get to know our innovative software tool - autarc - which will simplify your work as a heat pump planning specialist. And the best thing about it? There is a free demo version of autarc, which allows you to test the tool yourself in peace and quiet.
Important: The number of participants is limited, so you should register by October 6, 2023 Sign up to secure a spot. The event is free of charge and is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and further position yourself as an expert in this important area.
We are looking forward to seeing you!